Link-Belt Crane Tabs Columbus Equipment as New Distributor

Wed December 17, 2008
Crane Equipment Guide

Brax Snyder, manager, worldwide sales, Link-Belt Construction Equipment Co., has appointed Columbus Equipment Company as an authorized Link-Belt crane distributor.

Columbus Equipment will cover all counties in Ohio and selected counties in northern Kentucky (Boone, Campbell, and Kenton counties) and southeastern Indiana (Ohio, Dearborn and Switzerland counties).

Founded by Bill Early in 1952, the distributorship is still based at its original Columbus location. In addition to the Columbus headquarters, it will serve customers from branches in Cadiz, Cambridge, Canton, Cincinnati, Dayton, Jackson, Painesville, Richfield, and Toledo, Ohio.

“Columbus Equipment brings to the table decades of crane market experience,” said Snyder. “This experience coupled with a sincere commitment to forging close partnerships with their customers ensures Link-Belt crane owners the highest level of service.”

Link-Belt Construction Equipment Company, with headquarters in Lexington, Ky., designs and manufactures of telescopic boom and lattice boom cranes for the construction industry worldwide.